Overview of WordPress/WooCommerce Plugin Translations

The core product has had translations from the start but our WordPress plugin didn’t always have translations. As of release 1.4.29 & 1.4.30 we have Spanish and French translations shipped with the Token of Trust plugin on Wordpress and WooCommerce. Note: the admin areas are NOT translated. 

For developers that would like to improve upon or extend these translations see below.

For Integrators wanting to change Translations within the Verification Flow

The verification flow (from the first modal/popup) are part of the core product. Token of Trust does have translations built in. We support French, English and Spanish out of the box and can support other languages on demand.

Our translations are configurable by working with our support team but unfortunately we do not expose a means to allow our clients to alter translations from HQ or API on their own at this time. The best way to supply translations is to go through the flow, take screenshots and note anything that you believe needs to change for your needs.

For Integrators wanting to change Translations on the Wordpress side.

We use the standard method to translate all of our strings in Wordpress. This in turn can be used to change the translations that are part of our plugin. A nice/easy method to do this is by using this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gettext-override-translations/

An example <screenshot needed> is the string our plugin uses in checkout: 

'This order requires verification using Token of Trust.'

Any of the strings in token of trust can be replaced via the plugin above or any other wordpress compatible method (e.g. using PoEdit) as long as you know the full string. The list of strings can be found in our translations files in the plugin ‘languages’ subdirectory - check the token-of-trust.pot file and look at the msgid values for strings that are translatable. 


Here are some screenshots to give you a sense of what a small fraction of these translations look like - in this case in spanish:

For Developers

The full set of translations are located consistent with how other Wordpress plugins do their translations. Assuming you’ve installed Token of Trust - the ‘po’ files will be located here: wp-content/plugins/token-of-trust/languages. If you have any corrections please list both the english and translated from the ‘po’ files. 

For more information on Wordpress Translations see these resources:

Any number of plugins can be used to override the plugins:

This is another good guide that is written by the WooCommerce team and can be applied equally to our translations as well: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-localization/

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