What is included in Token of Trust's Watchlist Check?

The watchlists checked are:

Watchlist Name Type

Watchlist Identifier

(internal use)

PEP List (1.1 Million Individuals, spanning 233 countries) PEP PROP
United Nations Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List (UNSC) Sanction UNSCSL
US Office of Foreign Assets Control - Treasury Department Sanction USOFAC
HM United Kingdom Treasury Consolidated List (UKT) Sanction UKFS
European Union Commission Consolidated List (EU) Sanction EUFS
Canadian Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Individual List Sanction CAOSFI_PERSON
Canadian Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Entities List Sanction CAOSFI_ENTITY
National Legislature Members List PEP NTL_LEGISLATOR

All watchlists are checked for every transaction. We matched the following on each watchlist:

  • First Name + Last Name + DOB
  • First Initial + Last Name + DOB

At this time we return an internal reason "notOnWatchlist" if the person is not on ANY of the watchlists above. If they are on any of the watchlists then a "noMatch" result is returned. The watchlists that they are on will be included in the details of the "noMatch" reason.

Note: There is a feature request to split out the watchlists checks to create separate reasons for these checks here (https://trello.com/c/UPXW9GOs/535-eidv-watchlist-reasons).

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