What is included in Token of Trust's Watchlist Check?
The watchlists checked are:
Watchlist Name | Type | Watchlist Identifier (internal use) |
PEP List (1.1 Million Individuals, spanning 233 countries) | PEP | PROP |
United Nations Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List (UNSC) | Sanction | UNSCSL |
US Office of Foreign Assets Control - Treasury Department | Sanction | USOFAC |
HM United Kingdom Treasury Consolidated List (UKT) | Sanction | UKFS |
European Union Commission Consolidated List (EU) | Sanction | EUFS |
Canadian Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Individual List | Sanction | CAOSFI_PERSON |
Canadian Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Entities List | Sanction | CAOSFI_ENTITY |
CIA World Leader List | PEP | CIA_WORLDLEADER |
World Presidents List | PEP | WORLDPRESIDENTS |
National Legislature Members List | PEP | NTL_LEGISLATOR |
All watchlists are checked for every transaction. We matched the following on each watchlist:
- First Name + Last Name + DOB
- First Initial + Last Name + DOB
At this time we return an internal reason "notOnWatchlist" if the person is not on ANY of the watchlists above. If they are on any of the watchlists then a "noMatch" result is returned. The watchlists that they are on will be included in the details of the "noMatch" reason.
Note: There is a feature request to split out the watchlists checks to create separate reasons for these checks here (https://trello.com/c/UPXW9GOs/535-eidv-watchlist-reasons).