Feature Overview: Round Up For Charity

Round Up For Charity is a feature that allows you to add an optional donation to your consumer's checkout cart to collect on behalf of consumer advocacy and charity organizations.


To get Round Up For Charity on WooCommerce you must have the Wordpress Token of Trust App installed.

Once the app is installed, navigate to the Token of Trust App Settings>WooCommerce menu and configure Round Up For Charity to your desired behavior.

Once the feature is active your consumers will see an additional subtotal line in the cart, that can be unchecked. You can reverse the default opt-in/opt-out behavior in settings.

The Token of Trust App Settings>Donations menu allows you to see a summary of all donations made as well as export a report of the donation details.

Additional Functionality

How to Change Token of Trust Wording

If you need any help setting up the feature contact support@tokenoftrust.com


Round Up For Charity is not currently available in our Shopify App. If you'd like to add it, let us know!

Big Commerce

Round Up For Charity is not currently available in our Big Commerce. If you'd like to add it, let us know!

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