Feature Overview: Product Sync
Product Sync is a feature designed to keep your Ecommerce store and Token of Trust aligned for the purpose of calculating and collecting Excise Taxes automatically from your customers.
Product Sync is now available for Wordpress!
Big Commerce
Below we use the following notation:
BigCommerce(string) : we use the value of the BigCommerce variable of the same name. So BigCommerce(variant.sku) for example means the sku value of the variant under consideration.
option(label) : means the optional value for the label of the product variant under consideration. So for example if the Size for a variant was 12ml when we say option('Size') we mean “12ml”.
Here are the rules we use to translate from BigCommerce into Token of Trust metadata
Token of Trust Field Name | How we arrive at a value | Notes |
SKU | BigCommerce(variant.sku) | |
Vape System Type | Here we map the product categories to a vape system type discretely. | Any product category without a mapping is treated as a product exempt from excise taxes. |
isExempt | If the product is in one of the mapped categories in Vape System Type (above) it is assumed NON-exempt otherwise it is exempt. | Any categories added after initial implementation will be assumed Exempt unless or until they are mapped to a vapeSystemType (e.g. closedSingleUse, isOpen, closedCartridge) |
name | The following values concatenated: BigCommerce('product.name') + ' - ' + option('Pack Count') + ' / ' + option('Flavor') +' / ' + option('Nicotine') + ' / ' + option('Size') |
Wholesale Cost | BigCommerce('product.cost_price') | |
Wholesale Price | BigCommerce('variant.calculated_price') | |
msrp | BigCommerce('variant.calculated_price') | |
Retail Price | BigCommerce('variant.calculated_price') | |
packQty | We take the first number we see in the option(Pack Quantity). We do not consider any string values or numbers after the first. |
These are valid values for Size:
These are INVALID:
Volume in ml | We take the first number we see in the option('Size') * packQty. We do not consider any string values afterward. |
These are valid values for Size:
These are INVALID:
Has Nicotine | option('Nicotine'): returns true for numbers greater than 0 or if it’s a string other than ‘no’ or ‘false’. |
Product Sync is not available for Shopify.