Vape Excise Taxes Overview

States, counties and cities formulate excise taxes in a variety of ways. We handle each style of tax in a different way. Below you will find details about how each kind of tax is treated.

Percentage Basis Taxes

These taxes specify a percentage and a basis. The basis values we can use are:

  • Wholesale Cost
  • Wholesale Price
  • Retail Price
  • MSRP

Each of these are required in our Product Metadata

For Excise Tax Collection in ecommerce checkout we can also use the Checkout Price and Discounted Checkout Price as the basis for percentage basis taxes.

Per Unit Taxes

These are taxes that charge a flat amount per unit of applicable products

Per mL Taxes

Many jurisdictions have implemented a flat rate tax per mL of vaporize ejuice sold. We collect the number of mL of ejuice in our Product Metadata.

Handling fractional amounts

For products that have a fractional amount of ejuice (i.e. 10.5 mL) our system rounds down be default to ensure that taxes are charged for each full mL of ejuice.

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