Providing monthly order extracts

In order to provide monthly reports we need complete product metadata and complete order data. This article is about the requirements for the order data.

Our preferred method of extracting order data from your system is to establish admin credentials for your ecommerce or accounting platform so that we can pull reports ourselves. This is the most reliable way to ensure that your reports are ready on time and any issues can be addressed quickly.

If you do not want to share admin credentials with us it is possible to provide us with your monthly order data, however it may affect our ability to deliver your reports on time. Below you can find the requirements for providing your own monthly order data.

Order Data Format

  • Order data must be provided in a single comma separated file (.csv).
  • All fields must be wrapped in double quotes.
  • The file must include a header line at the top of the file in the following format:

"SHIPPING NAME(First Name)","SHIPPING NAME(Last Name)","Address 1 (Shipping)","City, State Zip (Shipping)","Brand Family*","Invoice Date","Invoice Number","Quantity","LINEITEM NAME","Sales Price ($)**","FULFILLMENT STATUS","SKU","Transaction Type"

  • Each line item must have complete information in each field, even though they repeat for orders with multiple lines.
  • All orders for a single month must be provided in a single file.
  • For request for reports from multiple monthly periods, each month’s orders must be provided in a separate file.
  • Additional character limit and formatting information for each field is included below:

We will be validating the file upon receipt if it cannot be validated we will send it back for correction.

Field Description & Formatting

  1. SHIPPING NAME(First Name) - The customer's first name (1-50 characters).
  2. SHIPPING NAME(Last Name) - The customer's last name (1-50 characters).
  3. Address 1 (Shipping) - The first line of the customer's shipping address (5-100 characters).
  4. City, State Zip (Shipping) - Shipping location’ city, state, and ZIP code (5-300 characters).
  5. Brand Family* - The brand family of the product (1-100 characters).
  6. Invoice Date - Date and time when the invoice or order was generated in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.
  7. Invoice Number - A unique identifier for the invoice or order (1-100 characters).
  8. Quantity - Number of items purchased, at least 1.
  9. LINEITEM NAME - The product name. (1-200 characters).
  10. Sales Price ($)** - the total sale price for the line. If there are 3 units of a $1 product, this field will be 3.00. Must be greater than 0.00. No special characters allowed (e.g. "$").
  11. FULFILLMENT STATUS - Status of the line item - only lines with  "completed" in this field will be included in your reports.
  12. SKU - the unique identifier used in your product metadata (1-100 characters).
  13. Transaction Type - Classification of sale. Must be “wholesale” or “retail”.

A complete schema in JSON for this file can be found here.

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